About Me

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Product Manager @ Foursquare; Ex-Product Manager of Blogger.com

Heading to Whidbey Island

Seamus and I took the ferry to Whidbey Island today. Sorry for the dark pics - they were taken with my iphone. You can see Seamus's little head in the car!

Seattle for the Holidays

I am back in Seattle for Christmas and have a lot of shopping to do. Can't wait to meet up with everyone I've been missing!

CHI in Florence 2008!

Just signed up for CHI 2008! The conference is in Florence this year. My first visit to Italy and I can't wait.

Home Sick

Today I am home with a cold. Everyone seems to be sick this time of year.

Dinning Dog

Seamus needs to hang out with this guy!




I've never been there but I just watched Sicko. That and the movie Love Actually make me want to move to London ASAP.

Christmas Cards On Their Way!